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After   study of IELTS Preparation, you should be able to successfully engage in the following tasks:



extract relevant information from four audio passages and answer 40 questions (30 minutes)



extract relevant information from three reading passages and answer 40 questions (one hour)



interpret and describe graphical information (in 20 minutes and 150 words)

OR write a letter responding to a given situation (in 20 minutes and 150 words)

AND write an argumentative essay (in 40 minutes and 250 words)



participate in a speaking test consisting of 1) an interview, 2) a long turn or description and 3) a two way conversation (10-15 minutes)


Note: The listening and speaking sections are the same for the General and Academic modules.



** A score below 5.5 indicates you would require English classes.


The centre offer reading and writing classes Monday to Friday 3.45 to 7pm



"I am really happy with my preparation. I have finally passes all the modules. Thanks to ielts4life team"

​​Hinh, student

​“The teachers were nice and helped my understand the material easily. I have now passed the writing module.”

​​Mohamed , student

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